Title: MultiMarkdown Quick-Reference
Author: Terry Golubiewski
Affiliation: Golden Gate III Home Owners Association
Address: 3054 Sherwood Dr
Marion, IA 52302
Email: tjgolubi@netins.net
Web: tjgolubi.branchable.com
Date: November 19, 2011
Copyright: © 2011-2020 Terry Golubiewski, all rights reserved.
Revision: draft
Base Header Level: 1
CSS: local.css
HTML Header: ODF Header: <-- OpenDocument XML header -->
Language: english
Comment: Other "standard" meta-tags are in the MultiMarkdown docs that can be found by googling for "multimarkdown reference", or on GitHub.
It's a good idea to put two spaces at the end of each line,
so that these meta records look okay when passed through
classic markdown.

IkiWiki Meta

It's a good idea to put two spaces at the end of leach line of IkiWiki meta directives, just like for MultiMarkdown meta records.


Markdown [MarkdownLinks]

MultiMarkdown [MultiMarkdownLinks]

  • Cross-references

    • [Links][]
    • [section describing links][Links] or
    • [MultiMarkdownLinks][]
    • [section describing MultiMarkdown links][MultiMarkdownLinks]
  • Image/link references can have attributes:

  • Footnotes. 1

  • Glossary. 2 With special sorting, like ampersands. 3
  • Bibliography. p. 42




Tables can be quite useful for showing data in a meaningful way. As an example, here is a table comparing [MultiMarkdown vs. Crayons][].

[This is a caption with italics][MultiMarkdown vs. Crayons] | Features | MultiMarkdown | Crayons | | ----------------------------------- | :-----------: | :------: | | Melts in warm places | No | Yes | | Mistakes can be easily fixed | Yes | No | | Easy to copy documents for friends | Yes | No | | Fun at parties | No4 | Why not? |


Entries can span columns
||| | First Column | Spans last two columns || |
Spans first two columns
|| Column3 |

| Minimum markup for maximum quality? | Yes | No |



a b c d
this cell spans 4 columns

Table data can be pulled from files.

[[!table <span class="error">Error: cannot find file</span>]]

[[!table <span class="error">Error: cannot find file</span>]]


Field Description
data Values for the table
file A file in the wiki containing the data
format Either csv, dsv, or auto (default)
delimiter Character used to separate fields
By default, dsv uses pipe and csv uses comma
class A CSS class for the table html element
header row: use first data line (default)
column: use first column only
no: no header

Here's the same table formatted with MultiMarkdown instead.

Field Description
data Values for the table
file A file in the wiki containing the data
format Either csv, dsv, or auto (default)
delimiter Character used to separate fields
By default, dsv uses pipe and csv uses comma
class A CSS class for the table html element
header row: use first data line (default)
column: use first column only
no: no header



It's pretty easy to include mathematical equations:

\[ {e}^{i\pi }+1=0 \]

\[ {x}_{1,2}=\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{{b}^{2}-4ac}}{2a} \]

You can also include formulas within a sentence, such as \({x}^{2}+{y}^{2}=1\).

  1. Here is the text of the footnote itself.
  2. glossary: Glossary A section at the end of the document for putting word definitions that you don't want to clutter the text with.
  3. glossary: & (ampersand) A punctuation mark that....
  4. I guess it depends on what kind of parties you go to...